Harry Potter: Magic Awakened -Intercontinental Wizard's Cup

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1. Tournament Introduction

All Wizard Gather for Glory! The "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened" Intercontinental Wizard ' s Cup Begins! The tournament consists of three stages: the Qualifier Stage, the Training Stage, and the Tournament Stage. The game modes include the "Top Wizard Solo" mode and the "Best Partners Duo" mode. 

The tournament will feature a variety of participating teams composed of top players from the Chinese Mainland Region and the Overseas Region:

①Each region will recruit 4 teams for the "Top Wizard Solo", with each team comprising 2 players.

②Each region will recruit 4 teams for the "Best Partners Duo", with each team comprising 4 players.


2. Tournament Schedule 

2.1 Qualifier Stage (From July 24th  After the Maintenance to September 3rd  23:59)

Registration: During the Qualifier Stage, wizards can register through the "Wizard ' s Cup" entrance in the in-game Season Events page.

Qualifier Process: 

- From July 24th after maintenance until September 3rd at 23:59. After registering, wizards can earn points by participating in the "Top Wizard" or "Best Partners" ranked modes. Tournament points correspond to Duel Tiers (e.g., Grand Master - 7500 points). Final advancement spots are determined by the total points.

-  From August 7th after maintenance until September 3rd at 23:59, the "Intercontinental Wizard ' s Cup: Popular Vote" event can be participated via the "Voting" entrance in the in-game Season Event page. Each wizard will have 5 voting opportunities daily to vote for the cards or echoes that will be usable the tournament client. The top 5 cards or echoes with the highest total votes across all regions will be usable in the tournament client, while the remaining ones will be banned. Voting results will be displayed in real-time in the "Voting" event and the final results will be announced after the maintenance on September 4th.

List of Echoes/Cards for the Intercontinental Wizard ' s Cup Popular Vote




Ginny Weasley

Sirius Black

Filius Flitwick


Severus Snape - Throwback 【Mythic】

Dobby - Throwback 【Mythic】


Expecto Patronum 【Mythic】

Azkaban 【Dark】

Legilimency 【Rare】

Fanged Flyers 【Rare】

Transfiguration Spell 【Rare】


Swooping Evil 【Rare】

Dessert Master 【Rare】

Accio Snowman 【Rare】

Hinkypunk 【Rare】

- After the maintenance on August 7, "Qualifier Leaderboard" will be added in the "Intercontinental Wizard ' s Cup" where wizards can view team rankings in real-time.

- Wizards can switch teams and transfer individual points to the new team until 23:59 on August 30th.

- At 23:59 on September 3rd, the top 4 teams in both "Top Wizard Solo" and "Best Partners Duo" from each region ' s leaderboard will advance to the next stage. After the maintenance on September 4th, the final advancing teams and players will be announced on the "Qualifier Leaderboard" and the official social media in Dashen and WeChat.

Team Formation Requirements:

① Players participating in the "Top Wizard Solo" must form teams of 2 for registration, while those in the "Best Partners Duo" must form teams of 4. Players cannot register for both modes simultaneously.

② Teams that have completed registration by August 30th cannot disband or change members. Wizards who have not formed a team can still register until the Qualifier Stage ends by 23:59 on September 3rd.

③ Players can only choose either the "Top Wizard Solo" or the "Best Partners Duo" mode, and cannot register for both.

④ Players must be at least 18 years old to register. Players under 18 can earn activity chest in the game but are not eligible to enter the Training or Tournament Stages.


2.2 Training Stage (September 12th  - September 15th )

During the Training Stage, to help players better familiarize themselves with the current version, the officials will arrange 6 scrims for each team in the "Top Wizard Solo" and the "Best Partners Duo" modes and announce the specific match-ups.

How to advance to the Training Stage: The top four teams based on ranking points will advance to the Training and Tournament Stages. Each region accommodates up to 24 players. 

If a team advancing to the Training Stage cannot or choose not to participate in the tournament, the officials will replace the team according to the substitution rules.

Training Schedule: Considering time differences and weekdays, scrims will be scheduled between 18:00 (UTC+8) and 23:59 (UTC+8) on weekdays. During this time, teams can negotiate and agree on specific match times or decide whether to participate in the scrims. If a team cannot participate in a scrim, they must notify the on-duty referee and the opposing team. During the scrims, the tournament officials will coordinate with both teams and execute tournament observation (OB) work.


2.3 Tournament Stage (September 21st  - September 22nd )

In each region, 8 teams will be divided into upper bracket and lower bracket. The tournament stage will adopt a BO3 double-elimination conquest format.

Matches are conducted in a BO3 format with settings: "Custom Room - Balance Mode ON - Best of Three OFF". All matches are played on the tournament client.

The first round will have random groupings based on the principle that teams of the same region could not be placed in the same group.

Tournament Venue: Online Match (players can choose suitable places for their matches). 


Stage Date Region Mode Format
Training Stage September 12th --September 15th Chinese Mainland Region 1v1 Best-of-three, Single Round Robin, Conquest
Overseas 1v1
Stage Date Region Mode Format
Tournament Stage September 21st 1v1 Winners' Bracket First Round Best-of-three, Double-elimination, Conquest
Winners' Bracket Second Round
Losers' Bracket First Round
2v2 Winners' Bracket First Round
Winners' Bracket Second Round
Losers' Bracket First Round
September 22nd 1v1 Winners'Bracket Finals
Losers' Bracket Second Round
Losers' Bracket Third Round
Losers' Bracket Finals
2v2 Winners'Bracket Finals
Losers' Bracket Second Round
Losers' Bracket Third Round
Losers' Bracket Finals

  ※Dates marked in red are live broadcast days.


3. Tournament Rules

3.1 Popular Vote Rules

Overview: Due to differences in game versions across regions, a popular vote will be held to decide which cards and echoes among a pool will be usable in the tournament client to ensure competitive fairness.

Date: The tournament version is based on the update on August 21st , 2024, and newly added cards and echoes in this version will automatically be usable in the tournament without being included in the vote.

Voting Period: From 07:00 on August 7th, 2024, to 23:59:59 on September 3rd, 2024. Wizards can continue to view the final results after the voting period but can no longer vote.

Rules: Every wizard receives 5 votes daily at midnight, which must be used that day and cannot be accumulated. During the voting period, wizards can click "Voting" to cast votes for any card or echo, and can allocate multiple votes to the same card or echo.

Voting Results: After the voting period ends, the top 5 cards or echoes with the highest votes will be usable in the tournament server. The remaining cards and echoes will be banned in the tournament client.

Voting Pool: Cards and echoes not in the voting pool will be usable the tournament client.

Tournament Client: The tournament client uses a balanced mode, and the effects of some cards and echoes may be adjusted during the tournament. The actual effects will be as displayed in the tournament client.


3.2  Substitution Rules

If the top 4 teams in the "Top Wizard Solo" and "Best Partners Duo" cannot participate due to underage players or other force majeure factors, substitutions of players are allowed:

①Team in the "Top Wizard Solo" must maintain 50% team integrity, allowing a maximum of 1 substitution of player.

②Team the "Best Partners Duo" must maintain over 50% team integrity, allowing a maximum of 1 substitution of player.

To ensure the smooth conduct of the matches, the officials will also set up substitute team slots. If a team still does not meet participation requirements after the above substitutions, the officials will select substitute teams based on ranking points.

*The determination of force majeure factors and the final interpretation of whether substitutions are allowed are at the sole discretion of the tournament officials.

From September 5th to 7th, the officials will contact players with participation and substitute qualifications via in-game mail. Players who receive invitations must complete and submit the attached questionnaire and join the official tournament Discord server by 23:59 (UTC+8) on September 7th. Players or teams who do not complete the process successfully will be deemed to have forfeited their participation or substitute qualification.

On September 8th, the list of participating and substitute teams will be announced. The ranking of substitute teams will be determined by their points ranking.

Note: Obtaining a substitute qualification does not guarantee a participation spot. Players are advised to stay tuned to receive the latest information. 


3.3  Match-Up

To ensure fairness and prevent improper conduct such as trading advancement spots, the entire match-up arrangements in the Tournament Stage will be kept confidential and only announced before each round.

Players must reasonably schedule their time to ensure punctual participation in online matches. If a player fails to sign in and participate on time due to personal reasons, the tournament committee has the right to forfeit their match. 


3.4  Format Explanation

3.4.1   Format 

The tournament adopts the Conquest format.

【1v1 Conquest Format】

During the BO3, the winner of one game must switch the player, while the loser can choose to continue with the previous player or switch them.

【2v2 Conquest Format】

Each team consist of 4 players divided into 2 squads, with each squad bound together. Each team cannot make any further personnel changes after submitting the deck in the Training Stage which ends by 23:59 on September 19th.

During the BO3, the winning team of one game must switch the squad, while the losing team can choose to continue with the previous squad or switch them.

3.4.2   Format in Training and Tournament Stage

During the Training Stage, a BO3 single round-robin conquest format will be used. During the Tournament Stage, a BO3 double-elimination conquest format will be used. In the BO3, the first player to win 2 games will win the match.

3.4.3   Echo

 In the "Top Wizard Solo" (1v1), each deck's echo must be different, i.e., the submitted 3 decks cannot have the same echo.

In the "Best Partners Duo" (2v2), each player must submit 3 decks with different echo. The following situations are allowed:

Player A submits ABC decks, and Player B also submits ABC decks.

Player A submits ABC decks, and Player B submits ABD decks.

Player A submits ABC decks, and Player B submits DEF decks.


3.5  Deck Submission

3.5.1   Top Wizard Solo

In BO3 matches, each player must submit 3 decks (with no repeated echoes).

3.5.2   Best Partners Duo

In BO3 matches, each player must submit 3 decks (with no repeated echoes in one player).

3.5.3   Deck Submission Deadline

Players must submit the decks and echoes they will use in the match to the tournament committee before the match. Once submitted, the decks and echoes cannot be modified or adjusted.

The deck submission period is from September 16th to September 19th at 23:59 (UTC+8).

Adjustments may be made based on local time zones.

3.5.4   Second Confirmation

After players submit their decks, the tournament committee will perform a second confirmation with the players to ensure the decks are correct.


3.6  Special Instructions

To ensure the stability of the game during the tournament, the tournament committee reserves the right to globally ban cards during the tournament.


4. Requirements

4.1  Registration and Player Information Submission

4.1.1   Player Accounts

The officials will provide tournament client accounts for players. Players must set up their accounts according to the submitted personal information and in-game preferences. The account name must be approved by the officials before it can be used in the tournament.

The ownership of the tournament client accounts belongs to the officials. The tournament client and accounts provided are only for players to use during the tournament and will be retrieved after the tournament ends.

Players are not allowed to trade accounts or modify account passwords, otherwise they will be penalized.

4.1.2   Uniqueness

The accounts qualifying for the tournament must correspond one-to-one with the player ' s information. A player using multiple qualifying accounts to participate in the tournament will have all their tournament qualifications canceled.

4.1.3   Information Submission

Players who have advanced to the Training Stage must submit the required information in the questionnaire.

Chinese Mainland Region: including but not limited to player ' s real name, ID card, birth date, phone number, device (PC, Android/iOS phone, Android/iOS tablet), etc.

Overseas Region: including but not limited to player ' s real name, ID card/passport, birth date, email, device (PC, Android/iOS phone, Android/iOS tablet), etc.

Note: The officials will provide tournament client accounts based on the specific device information submitted by the players. Players must accurately submit their device information.

4.1.4   Information Collection

To ensure the timely arrangement of matches, all players must cooperate with the tournament officials in information collection.

4.1.5   Age

All participants must be at least 18 years old before the Qualifier Stage ends (before September 4th, 2024) to participate. Players who have advanced to the Training Stage must submit government or officially issued ID documents to prove their age eligibility. Other forms of proof are invalid. (Adjustments may be made according to local policies.)


4.2  Player ID Information

Player IDs must match the in-game IDs. Players can choose 4-12 characters as their ID in the format "TeamName+PlayerName".

Player ' s names and team names must not contain vulgar, obscene, terror, violence, gambling, or other content contrary to laws, regulations, policies, social order, and good customs, or that is against the "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened" game or the "User Agreement." IDs cannot contain sponsor information. Players must have player names that comply with tournament regulations, and each player's name must be unique and not similar to others. For names that do not meet these requirements, the tournament organizers have the right to require players or teams to change their names.

If two players with the same player ' s name participate in the tournament, they must coordinate with the officials for a solution. If coordination fails, neither player will be allowed to use the name, and both will be required to choose new player names that meet the requirements.


4.3  Match Device

The players ' devices are not restricted. Players can choose to use a mobile phone, tablet, or PC. However, to maintain the fairness of the tournament, the tournament committee reserves the right to verify the players' devices through video verification.


4.4  Player Equipment

Players must prepare their own devices and are responsible for it. If equipment malfunctions cause disconnections or prevent reconnections, the tournament committee has the right not to grant a rematch.


4.5  Network Conditions

Players must prepare their own network and are responsible for it. If personal network issues cause delays in the tournament, the tournament committee has the right not to grant a rematch.


4.6  Tournament Client Accounts

Players must confirm that their tournament client accounts are functioning correctly before the match, including correct IDs and settings.


4.7  Deck Preparation

Players should prepare their decks in advance to avoid delays in the tournament.

Players are prohibited from using non-submitted decks (including echoes and cards) during the match. If such cases occur, the player will automatically forfeit the round. If a game error prevents the player from using a submitted deck, the tournament committee will verify and initiate a rematch if confirmed.


4.8  Starting Roster

For the first round of matches on each broadcast day, teams must submit their starting roster 12 hours before the match starts.

For other rounds on the broadcast day, the referee will collect the starting roster 20 minutes before the match starts. When the referee sends the roster submission notification, teams must submit within 3 minutes. If the roster is not submitted within the stipulated time, the most recent lineup will be used by default.


5.Pre-Match Procedures

5.1 Schedule Adjustments

The tournament committee has the right to reschedule matches, adjust dates, or modify the schedule in other ways. Any changes will be promptly communicated to all players.

The tournament committee reserves the right to reschedule any matches, adjust match dates, or modify the schedule in other ways. If the committee makes changes to the schedule, all players will be promptly notified via the official tournament Discord server and other channels. Players are advised to stay tuned and remain contactable. If a player cannot be reached within 8 hours after the announcement of schedule adjustments or refuses the new schedule, the tournament committee will change the participating teams according to the substitution rules.


5.2 Pre-Match Sign-in

Participants must sign in online in the discord. Sign-in time is 1 hour before the scheduled match time. Players should remain available until the match starts.

Entering the lobby is required 20 minutes before the match start time. Failure to enter the room by match start time will be considered a late arrival. A late arrival of up to 10 minutes will result in losing 1 round. A late arrival of 20 minutes or more will result in disqualification. If both players are late by 20 minutes or more, both will be disqualified.


5.3 Referee        

Referees are official tournament staff responsible for judging issues occurring before, during, and after the match. They oversee:

Ø Pre-match identity verification

Ø Inspection and supervision of player device and match area

Ø Announcing match start

Ø Managing match pauses/resumes

Ø Penalizing rule violations

Ø Confirming match end and results

5.3.1 Referee Conduct

Referees must act professionally and impartially at all times and must not show favoritism or bias towards any player.

5.3.2   Finality of Decisions

All decisions are made by the head referee based on rules and evaluations of the situation. Players can appeal to the tournament committee after the match if they disagree with a decision. Incorrect judges can be altered. The tournament committee can review the decisions during or after the match to ensure fairness. If fairness were not achieved, the tournament committee reserves the right to revoke referee decisions. The tournament committee hold the final decision-making power during the tournament.


5.4   Pre-Match Preparation

5.4.1   Start Time

Under normal circumstances, any issues encountered by players will be resolved during the preparation, and the match will start at the scheduled time. Whether delays during the preparation are acceptable will be determined by the tournament committee. Players cannot delay the match for additional preparation time.

5.4.2    Pre-Match Confirmation

Players have 5 minutes to prepare before the scheduled match start. A staff will confirm readiness with both players. The referee will confirm with players before each match starts. Players are considered ready when they signal to the referee. Once all players are ready, the match will start.

5.4.3    Game Lobby Creation

The officials will decide how to create the game lobby. Staff will use an official OB account to create the game lobby and invite all players.

5.4.4    Deck and Echo Confirmation

During matches, players have 1 minute after entering the game lobby to confirm the deck and echo they will use.


6.Match Process

6.1 Game Settings

> BO3 matches use in-game settings: "Custom Room - Balance Mode ON - Best of Three OFF".

> To ensure a stable game environment, the tournament committee reserve the right to globally ban cards during the tournament.

> Match maps: Create "Top Wizard Solo" or "Best Partners Duo" maps based on the schedule.


6.2 Slow Client Loading

If a bug, disconnection, or other fault disrupts the loading process and prevents players from joining the game, they should contact the referee immediately during the loading screen.


6.3 Intentional Disconnection

If a player violates the rules (e.g., intentionally quits the game) or if equipment issues (e.g., power outage, unresponsive device) cause the player or their "Best Partners" teammate to lose connection, the tournament committee have the right not to grant a rematch.


6.4 Bug and Pauses

6.4.1 Definitions Bug

An error, flaw, fault, or defect causing incorrect or abnormal game results or data, or hardware issues. Minor Bug

A bug that does not significantly affect or alter the competitive environment, and that can be only avoided through re-starting the client. Generally, the match proceeds as normal under the influence of minor bug. The tournament committee will decide if a re-match or pause is needed. Critical Bug

A bug causing significant harm to more than half of the players' competitive abilities or altering game data/mechanics, including hardware failures. The tournament committee can initiate a re-match or pause. Bug Levels

 The tournament committee reserves the right to judge the severity of bugs occurring during the match.


6.4.2 Pauses Criteria

 Only under certain criteria will the officials consider pausing. The officials have the right to determine if certain criteria are met. Discretionary Power

The officials have the discretionary power to continue or restart any match at any time to ensure the tournament's best interests. This power is not limited by specific language in this document. Pause Request

 If players believe the match meets certain criteria of pausing, they should immediately notify and signal the referee. If the head referee agrees, they will inform all players of the following steps. If not, the match continues. Players are responsible for the consequences of their actions during communication with the referee. Bug Exploitation

Players found intentionally exploiting bugs will be disqualified from the match, regardless of whether they gained an advantage. The remaining players will be ranked and awarded points accordingly. The player who exploited the bug will receive no points.


6.5 Appeals 

The on-duty referee will confirm match results for each round. Appeals for previous rounds after the match will not be accepted. Players can appeal to the tournament committee within 3 minutes of the round ending, providing evidence (e.g., recordings, screenshots) and contacting the referee.


6.6 Post-Match Procedures

After the match, players will be informed of their advancement status by the referee.


7. Player Conduct

7.1 Live Broadcast Cooperation

Players must cooperate with referees and official personnel during the match. Deliberate delays (e.g., refusing to start, quitting the game) will result in warnings or forfeiture. Severe cases will result in disqualification and forfeiture of all rewards.

7.2 In-Game Chat

Players are prohibited from chatting or sending emojis/messages during the match.

7.3 Tournament Broadcast

Players can live stream their matches in personal channels but must apply to the officials in advance and set a delay of at least 180 seconds. The officials can reject live stream applications.

7.4 Cheating Behavior

The use of any third-party software to modify game content (e.g., interface, sound effects, skills) is prohibited. Violations will be treated as cheating, resulting in disqualification and forfeiture of prizes, and a ban from future tournaments.

7.5 Account Sharing

Players are strictly prohibited from using other player ' s account in matches. Each player must use their assigned tournament client account, corresponding to their personal information. Using multiple accounts or sharing accounts will result in disqualification for all involved.

7.6 Competitive Integrity

Players (or teams) must uphold sportsmanship and refrain from negative or false play. Violations will result in disqualification, bans, and forfeiture of prizes.

7.7 Criminal Activity

Players must not engage in activities that violate any national or regional laws, regulations, policies, or orders. Violations will result in severe penalties, and the tournament committee has the right to report the violators to relevant authorities. 

7.8 Immoral Behavior

Players must not engage in behavior deemed unethical, disgraceful, or contrary to traditional moral standards by the tournament committee.

7.9 Confidentiality

Players must not disclose any confidential information provided by the tournament committee via any communication means, including social media.

7.10 Bribery

Players must not solicit, accept, offer, or promise money, items, or benefits in exchange for an unfair advantage. The tournament committee will judge such behavior at its discretion.

7.11 Match-Fixing

Players must not participate directly or indirectly in actions that alter the uncertainty of the match outcome for personal or others' gain. Players must report any match-fixing information to the tournament committee. Failure to report will result in penalties.

7.12 Forfeiture

Teams are generally prohibited from forfeiting. If a team insists on forfeiting, the team will be barred from future "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened" tournaments, and their matches will be treated as byes. The tournament committee reserves the right to penalize the forfeiting team and its members.

7.13 Gambling

Players must not participate in betting or gambling related to the tournament.

7.14 Broadcast Footage

The usage rights of live broadcast content generated during the tournament belong to the "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened" project by NetEase. Players must accept these rules to participate.



The tournament committee has the right to impose the following penalties for rule violations:


Forfeiture of prizes

Forfeiture of match results



Any combination of the above


9.Tournament Prizing 

9.1 In-Game Rewards

9.1.1 Player Rewards

Rank of Team

Rewards for Each Player



Wizard Background

Legendary Frame

Mythic Title


2nd Place


Wizard Background

Legendary Frame

Legendary Title


3rd Place


Wizard Background

Legendary Frame

Legendary Title


4th Place


Wizard Background

Legendary Frame

Legendary Title


Top 8


Wizard Background

Rare Frame



9.1.2 Server Event Rewards

Players can gain activity chest progress through daily gameplay in the Duelling Club and obtain Gems.

9.1.3 Server Commemorate Rewards

After the Top 4 teams are decided, all players will receive "Ruby Key" via in-game mail.


9.2 Physical Prizes

Each player on the champion team will receive the following physical prizes:

- Limited Edition Magic Awakening Wood-Carved Niffler *1

- Magic Awakening Academy Graphic T-Shirt *1

- Magic Awakening Crossbody Cambridge Bag *1

- Magic Awakening Playing Cards *1 deck

- Magic Awakening Badges (5 pieces) *1 set



All players must read, understand, and agree to these tournament rules before participating in the "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened - Intercontinental Wizard Cup." Successful registration or participation in any tournament matches will be considered acceptance of these rules. Players who do not accept these rules and fail to comply during the tournament will lose their eligibility.

Matters not mentioned in this rule will be supplemented by the tournament committee in the future if necessary. The committee has the right to modify the tournament rules based on local laws of the Overseas Region, the requirements of competent authorities, the specific situation of the tournament, or if deemed necessary by the official organizers. Any changes to the tournament rules will be promptly and duly communicated to the participants.